Monday, March 17, 2008

Kiss it.

St. Patrick's Day today.

Where people who've never been to Ireland celebrate:
- On a day named for an Englishman
- Sing a particularly big downer of a song, also written by an Englishman.
- Wear green plastic hats
- Desecrate beer with green coloring.

Let's discuss, shall we?

Or rather, let's not. 

Just did upper body weight routine.  I'm starting to see a difference in  my shoulders. 
I am now drinking my one beer of the week.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shortly, I'm going to have my photo taken again for the magazine. I saw the first round of photos. I look very stepford wife-y. Good, but stepford wifey. 
Between getting sick, not eating because of the perpetual pukeness, and then eating everything that wasn't nailed down-- and then some.

and really? have you ever tried to do crunches when you have vertigo? I really really don't recommend it.

Acting classes start second week of April. I'm moving ahead on the TV spec script. 

Voice over classes... those I'm going to have to see if I can find another classmate with whom to split the costs. I heard one of the demos today. It was really well done, and she had a great deal of range. The sound quality was excellent.

On that note, I'm going to finish my weekly allotted beer, and then go to bed.