Friday, February 25, 2011

The background noise of the moment is some kind of non-fiction TV about rare wood. The interior 12-year old is giggling at that.

Am a little water logged after schlepping to MacMall. The adapter kinda works because, obviously I'm online, but the power flow doesn't seem to be constant. My screen keeps fading in and out. So, will be back tomorrow to return the damn thing.

Started doing my taxes today and something seems awfully amiss. I don't know why it imported only part of my information. Nor do I understand how I'm living so close to the poverty line and yet, it looks like I'm going to owe.

On an upside,I saw a good east coast friend the other day. She is lovely and expecting a bebe soon. It does my heart when the awesome smart people breed.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sometimes hell is other people.
and sometimes hell is Ke$ha on endless repeat.
Tik-Tok etc. etc.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheap Entertainment ... and times are tight

I really need to be doing something other than writing Missed Connections on Craigslist and seeing who replies. The best are when I post them in cities I've never been in.