Saturday, October 25, 2008

Casino Royale, to James Bond--

M: Arrogance and self-awareness seldom go hand in hand.

Friday, October 24, 2008

reporting live from Baltimore

Side rant: Since when did working your ass off and getting an education and bettering yourself make you an elitist?

Went to Lexington market, ate a tasty crabcake from Faidley's. It was so very very good.

I like the vibe of the city. Maybe because it reminds me of the smaller New England cities of my youth, or maybe because everyone I've encountered since arriving here has been nice.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

bad math.

I've started watching Burn Notice, with an eye to writing another spec.
It has a decent combination of action and humor. We'll see how it progresses. I should really be working on the feature instead.

The day job is becoming increasingly frustrating. I've taken to playing the McDonald's monopoly game as a retirement plan.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

sweet sweet rejection. No, seriously

Got my letter from Warner Brothers today.

"Thank you for applying... After careful evaluation and consideration of the hundreds of scripts we received, we are unable to include your submission in the final round.

It is important to note that you did make it into the top 5% of scripts reviewed. Because of this, you are invited to attend a free evening seminar where we will share some tips and tricks on spec writing... This lecture is only for Workshop applicants in the top 5% ( no guests please).


We encourage you to submit again next year and thank you again for your interest in the workshop."

Looks like I'll be in LA for a few days in November! Which will be good as I'm going to start the job search process.

Not bad for a first script. Now I think I'm going to take it and turn it into a full length feature.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


There is a mouse* in my house**.

*We're going to use the word 'mouse' because if we use the other, more precise word that starts with an R and ends in a T-- I will need to be sedated. A great deal.

**Well, OK, apartment.