Sunday, September 27, 2009

I have no idea what to be for Halloween this year.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The internship is going well. I get to read scripts, and talk about 'what-ifs' with people who can actually make those 'whats' more than 'if'.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I've seen you before!

I make eye contact with guy in line, return to making drinks.
Interior monologue: Hmm. That guy looks really familiar. Do I know him from Massachusetts? New York? Maybe Massachusetts.

Out of my peripheral hearing, I notice a Eastern Mass accent.. I continue making drinks.

Somewhat familiar guy approaches the hand off bar, I call out his drink. He stays there, says 'I think that you've got another one back there for me.'
I apologize, ask the brand new cashier, who says yes, there was another one, he forgot to write the cup.

I ask some questions about the drink, he's not sure. He doesn't drink coffee, it isn't for him.

ME: By any chance, are you from Massachusetts?
Familar guy: Yup.

ME: uh. I just realized that you didn't look familiar because I knew you from home, but because.... uh. Sorry.

MW: You're from Massachusetts,too? What part?
ML: Springfield.

I hand over his drink.
ML: Sorry about the delay.

MW:Don't worry about it. Nice meeting you!

ML: uh, Nice meeting you too!